Adhikari Nagar, Anchha, Daudnagar, Aurangabad- 824143
+91-9199754484 / 9939111875

Features & Facilities


  1. Maximum 40 Students per class
  2. From STD I to STD XII (Science, Commerce & Arts)
  3. Counseling services
  4. Sick Bay
  5. Print-rich Environment
  6. Parent Awareness and training programme
  7. PTC (Parent-Teacher interactions, Conference Open days)
  8. Dedicated and Trained Staff
  9. Comprehensive Candidate Selection Process
  10. Continuous in-service training for teachers and Staff


  1. Spacious well designed classroom
  2. Multipurpose Hall
  3. Computer Lab
  4. Mathematics Lab
  5. Physics Lab
  6. Chemistry Lab
  7. Biology Lab
  8. Music Room
  9. Library
  10. Play ground for outdoor sports
  11. Security
  12. Housekeeping
  13. Girl’s Common Room
  14. Staff Room